Project Management PMI®
The Project Management Institute develops international standards in the field of project management to define the best project management practices, applicable worldwide and across industries. This helps companies implement project management experiences, skills, and competency.
Successful PMI® certification serves as documentation of an employee's project management skills, including customer and supplier service.

Are you looking for an experienced partner to help you with your PMI® certification?
We use proven methods of RMC Learning Solutions, Inc. as an “Authorized Training Provider”, exclusively in Germany.
You can collect PDUs (Professional Development Units) through further qualification measures.

We offer
The Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification is one of the most renowned and internationally recognized certifications in project management.
The certificate serves as proof of your extensive professional experience in successfully managing project teams and projecs according to PMI® standards.
Want to know more about the certification process?
Visit one of our PMI® certification information events!Want to learn more about the basics in project management?
Visit one of our project management courses for beginners and advanced users.Are you ready for your PMI® certification?
We’ll prepare you for the exam!Get your PMI® certification exam!


PMI® - PMP® - Exam
PMP® certification requires several years of experience in a leading position as project manager and proof of formal training for at least 35 hours in project management.
Find out more about the exam and admission in advance at one of our information events or in the training course.
The PMP® exam is carried out by the Project Management Institute (PMI®) in a test centrey where you'll take a multiple-choice-test on a computer.
Every 3 years, a re-certification is necessary, according to the 3 areas of competence of the „Talent Triangle™“.
For more information, visit www.pmi.org.
Contact us for the collection of PDUs (Professional Development Units).

Learning Materials
Certification preparation is supported by the
Exam Prep System by RMC Learning Solutions

Our Team

Markus Rücker
Trainer & Coach
Der Kluge lernt aus allem und von jedem, der Normale aus seinen Erfahrungen und der Dumme weiß alles besser.

Anton Müller
Trainer & Coach
Ein Optimist sieht eine Gelegenheit in jeder Schwierigkeit; ein Pessimist eine Schwierigkeit in jeder Gelegenheit.
~Winston Churchill