titleimage next gen it

Next Generation Skills

The key to success
Digitalisation increasingly impacts companies, causing a revolution in business processes and IT because data is available in digital form. It is stored centrally and securely, evaluated, and prepared for further business decisions. The data can be accessed via various devices in real time, so that employees can access them from any location and at any time.
In the manufacturing sector, the possibilities of digitalisation were coined as "Industry 4.0". Here, mobile applications and the possibilities of Big Data & Analytics, cybersecurity and cloud have been beneficial when companies face the challenge of keeping updated in a rapidly changing world. Only with an agile and adaptive corporate structure will they be able to turn the potentials of digitalisation into effective processes or new services and products.
By implementing digital strategies, companies are trying to seize the opportunities of the next IT generation and gain competitive advantages. The first step here is to develop innovative and market-leading ideas, which are then implemented in projects.
Studies have shown that the biggest hurdle here is the lack of skilled workers. There is a lack of employees who are familiar with Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, data evaluation and analysis, and mobile technologies. Thus, the potential remains (still) mostly untapped.

We’re offering an insight into the potential of digitalisation and Next Generation IT for your company.

Cloud Computing
Mobility & Digitalization
Big Data & Analytics
Branchen­spezifische Angebote


As part of the DXC.technology company we draw on the full experience of our colleagues. In our portfolio you find trainings that were designed for a specific technology or industry solution based on the needs of one of our customers. We also offer our trainings as in-house trainings. These can be tailored to your specific needs.

4 Search results

titleimage our team

Our team

Hintergrund Team Card
Udo Höllebrand

Udo Höllebrand

Trainer & Coach

Der Kluge lernt aus allem und von jedem, der Normale aus seinen Erfahrungen und der Dumme weiß alles besser.


Hintergrund Team Card
Selina Rettner

Selina Rettner

Head of DXC Academy

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

~Malcolm Forbes

Hintergrund Team Card
Marie Pötter

Marie Pötter

Head of DXC Academy

If you stop getting better, you stop being good.

~Philip Rosenthal