Business Coaching
In a world of constant change, managers and required experts need more than just specialist knowledge
- they need a clear self-image, solution orientation and the ability to navigate through complex challenges.
At DXC Academy, we offer targeted business coaching that promotes your individual strengths and enables you to define yourself excellently in your role within the company.

What do we mean by business coaching?
A coaching session follows clear structures and a jointly defined objective. The coach's task is to offer alternative perspectives using targeted coaching tools. His attitude is always characterized by appreciation. The client is always the expert for their own life reality and decides which change of perspective and which offer is helpful and appropriate for their own situation.
We can accompany these coaching topics, for example...

Coaching objectives
Our coaching programs are aimed at executives, scrum masters, product owners, project managers, change agents and HR professionals who want to develop their leadership skills and agility.
We offer practical, goal-oriented coaching sessions that are designed to promote the client's personal and professional development.
Within the coaching process, we typically focus on selected topics:

Possible coaching topics
Initial consultation
Are you interested in coaching? Then we invite you to a short initial meeting with the aim of providing orientation for coaching.
This includes getting to know each other, the function and aim of the coaching and agreeing the framework conditions.
Management coaching
Develop your leadership skills to achieve sustainable success in a dynamic, complex working environment. Our coaching supports you in fulfilling your leadership role authentically and effectively, making clear decisions and motivating teams.
Price 350,-- Euro per coaching session
Agile coaching
For Scrum Masters and Product Owners, we offer professional coaching as well as further development on a personal level. We enable a change of perspective through targeted self-reflection.
Price 350,-- Euro per coaching session
Project manager coaching
As a project manager, you are often faced with the task of managing projects with many variables. Our coaching helps you to deal with challenges, cope with stress and actively manage change.
Price 350,-- Euro per coaching session
Individual coaching
Creating a framework for thinking in which the client is able to find their own solutions for their issue. The aim is to (re)establish or increase the client's ability to act. The coach is the expert for the process by using different methods, the client is the expert for the content of his topic.
Individual coaching sessions, presence or virtual implementation
The number of coaching sessions may vary depending on individual needs and goals.

Our Team
We are an IT management consultancy that has been supporting our customers in a wide range of industries in the field of training and further education since 1992. We work for our clients as project managers, consultants, trainers and coaches in distributed teams and know the challenges - as well as the potentials and strategies to promote them. We know from our own experience the challenges and growth potential of transformations, mergers and outsourcing. Our coaching team is interdisciplinary, so that we can find the right expertise within the team depending on the coaching issue.

Nathalie Schulz
Trainerin & Coach
Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.
~Albert Einstein

Barbara Gerlach
Project leader dual education rhein-main
Um klar zu sehen, genügt oft ein Wechsel der Blickrichtung.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Marie Pötter
Head of DXC Academy
If you stop getting better, you stop being good.
~Philip Rosenthal