Dual education programme
Collaboration with training providers to train IT specialists
DXC Technology is a leading IT consulting and service provider.
We have been training IT specialists for over 20 years.
DXC Academy offers training providers the opportunity to be part of a dual education cooperation.
Together with vocational schools, we help prospective IT specialists become digital experts.

Find out everything about the education
Education in cooperation
When thinking of next generation of employees, do you aim to create long-term loyalty through attractive, varied training?Do you want to train your future employees in line with your needs?
You want to train cost-efficiently and use synergies?
High quality and attractive training combined with economic efficiency
- possible through cooperation and the joint use of complementary services.
Starting your career
Are you passionate about IT technology? Would you like to be trained as an IT specialist? Then our dual education programme is exactly right for you!
We have trained IT specialists for over 20 years. By cooperating, we offer a broader range of topics than in conventional training by providing practical relevance and implementing company specifics. In addition, we support your personal and social skills development, and prepare you for everyday working life.
The cooperation of training posts, vocational schools, and training courses at DXC Academy creates an excellent base for you to become an IT specialist!

Cooperation partners


Our Team

Natascha Martin
Project leader dual education hamburg
Niemand weiß was er kann, bis er es probiert hat.
~Publilius Syrus

Barbara Gerlach
Project leader dual education rhein-main
Um klar zu sehen, genügt oft ein Wechsel der Blickrichtung.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Anton Schimmelpfennig
Projektleitung Duale Ausbildung Köln/Bonn
Managed Training Services
Das Leben ist wie Radfahren. Um das Gleichgewicht zu halten, muss man in Bewegung bleiben.
~Albert Einstein

Selina Rettner
Head of DXC Academy
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
~Malcolm Forbes

Marie Pötter
Head of DXC Academy
If you stop getting better, you stop being good.
~Philip Rosenthal